
The Gala of ExCEPtionnels

During the 18th edition of the Gala of ExCEPtionnels organized by the Centre d'études professionnelle de Saint-Jérôme, SBB remitted prizes to students who excelled in their academics.

Red carpet, food bites, entertainment and Zumba dancing were all part of the evening to make this a memorable night for the participants, finalists, and winners.

As part of the gala, SBB praised the health and safety part for the welding-assembly program. In this category, we gave away a total of 4 cash prizes to students who showed perseverance and positivity during their school process. Finalists were invited on stage to receive congratulations and to nominate the final winners.

This evening allowed us to implicate ourselves and demonstrate our support and interest towards the new graduates of the Centre d'études professionnelles of the region. It is hard to find qualified employees because of a shortage of manpower in this industry. Events such as these allow us to compensate the efforts and dedication of students who wish to distinguish themselves.

With our recent move in the Laurentians, this gala was also a good opportunity for our company to get to be known in this new region and to exchange with students about job opportunities at SBB.

Congratulations to the 4 winners:

  • Jasmin Houle
  • Marc-André Dubuc
  • Michaël Lalande
  • Nicolas Vaillancourt


We hope to be part of this gala 19th edition next year!


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